If you are hurting because you are the mother or father of a child who has been lost to abortion, don’t despair. God still loves you, more than you can imagine. You can find hope and healing through Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard. God bless you.
Today I will be in Washington, DC to attend the March for Life! May God bless and protect all of the pilgrims and activists who will march in defense of unborn life and against the horror of legal abortion, strengthening them in their battle and carrying them safely on their journeys.
Not only am I looking forward to marching with approximately half a million of my brothers and sisters in the pro-life movement, but I also get to meet up with some fellow Catholic bloggers before and during the March! And as if that wasn’t enough, that evening I’ll be attending a Sung Pontifical Mass celebrated by auxiliary Bishop Joseph Perry of Chicago and organized by Juventutem Michigan. Believe it or not, this will be my first ever Traditional Latin Mass! I am stoked!
I’m writing this on Thursday, because (as you might imagine) traveling into DC to stand up for babies doesn’t leave a lot of time for blogging. So if my Quick Takes seem quicker and brusquer than usual…that’s the reason. I promise more exciting and engaging content next week!
In the meantime, go read these pro-life pieces if you haven’t already:
- How The Nine Days Of Prayer Comforted Me While I Fought Demons, by The Crescat @ Patheos
- Abortifacient Shmortifacient, by Katie @ NFP and Me
- The Right To Life, by Stevie J. West
- Eight Reasons Not To Use Graphic Abortion Images At The March For Life, by Simcha Fisher
- Why My Support of Abortion Was Based on Love…and Lies, by Jennifer Fulwiler
It’s expected to be bitterly cold, but I know how to deal with that: RIDICULOUS WINTER HEADGEAR!
March For Life 2011
This comes via my sister: If you are Catholic and a college student in Virginia, I want to point out the upcoming ARISE: Virginia Catholic Campus Ministries Summit 2013 from February 1-2 in Charlottesville, VA. Registration is still open.
If you feel called to take more direct action in bringing abortion to end in our nation, the next 40 Days For Life campaign starts on Ash Wednesday. For inspiration, David Bereit and Shawn Carney have a new book coming out on Tuesday that has collected forty stories of the fruits of their incredible mission. Check it out.
From CatholicVote’s Facebook page.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!